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Join Our Community

Our congregation welcomes your interest in becoming a member(s) of Congregation Bnai Midbar (“CBM”). Please fill in the information below. Once completed click “submit” it will then be automatically be submitted to CBM (Information you furnish will be kept confidential and is only intended for our records.)

Congregation B'nai Midbar Membership Application

Member Applicant - 1

Marital Status

Emergency Contact Detail

B’nai Midbar is a place for Jewish and interfaith families to come together and explore our rich traditions and Torah teachings within the context of multi-denominational Judaism. We offer a supportive environment for life cycle events, uplifting the spirit through meditation, reflection, and worship. Our community also serves as a social center for Jewish families and friends, providing a space for meaningful connections and shared experiences.

Please use the form below unless you require more than 3 Name Fields. If you have more than 3 please download the spreadsheet to the right, complete the form, and then upload using the upload button below.

Yarhzeit Form

Please add up to 3 Yahrzeit Names or Download the Yahrzeit Spreadsheet and Upload File below.

Membership Dues/Renewal

Thank you for renewing your membership.
Your annual membership donation is critical to maintaining our Jewish community and makes up nearly half of our annual budget.


One time


Single Membership     Couples Membership





Enter Member(s) Name(s) and any Updated contact information here.

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